When we look up statistics on aggression in relationships,
we will find staggering numbers that show just how prevalent this issue is. For
instance, in 2013 the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that almost one
third of women “have experienced physical and/ or sexual violence by their
intimate partner” (Wihbey, 2014, p. 1). This situation happens not only in
adult relationships, but also to teen couples. According to a 2011 study
published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 9% of high
school students reported “being hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose by
a boyfriend or girlfriend” in the 12 months prior to being surveyed (CDC, 2014,
p. 1). Furthermore, same-sex couples are not free from aggressive behavior. In
the past few years, there has been an “increasing documentation of violence and
abuse within same-sex relationships, ranging from physical behaviors such as
hitting, slapping, scratching, and attacking with a weapon, to nonphysical
behaviors such as threats, denigration, and sexual coercion” (Vangelisti and
Perlman, 2006, p. 303). Based on the data above, we can see that aggressive
tendency manifests itself in many different forms and to people from all sorts
of background.
Aggressive tendency manifests itself in many different forms and to people from all sorts of background.
From the perspective of social psychology, aggression is
defined as “any behavior that is intended to harm another person who does not
want to be harmed” (Bushman and Huesmann, 2010, p. 833). Aggression can be
observed through behaviors. In other words, we can tell if someone is being
aggressive by studying his action or reaction towards others. Additionally, a
behavior can be categorized as aggression only if it is intended, so when, say,
someone loses control over his car and causes severe injury on a pedestrian,
this behavior is not aggression. It is worth to note that aggression differs
from violence. In social psychology, violence is “aggression that has extreme
physical harm as its goal, such as injury or death” (Bushman and Huesmann,
2010, p. 833). Aggression has a wider scope and it does not always involve
physical harm. We can say that violence is always aggressive in nature, but
aggression is not always violent.
Another important concept related to aggression is the
distinction between physical and verbal aggression. Physical aggression involves
physically harming others, such as slapping or shooting them. Meanwhile, verbal
aggression is “an attack on another’s self-concept with the intent or perceived
intent to harm the other’s self-image” (Infante and Rancer as cited in Brandt
and Pierce, 2000, p. 71). Again, harmful intention is a key aspect of verbal
aggression. Therefore, it is different from arguments, which involves
“presenting and defending positions on controversial issues while attacking the
positions taken by others on the issues” (Infante and Rancer as cited in Brandt
and Pierce, 2000, p. 71). In arguments, the target being attacked is someone
else’s position on the issue. For sure, logical reasoning is needed in order to
produce good arguments. Meanwhile, in the case of verbal aggression, the target
is the other person himself. Physical and verbal aggressions may occur in
different circumstances, and in this paper I would like to focus on aggression
in romantic relationships.
To assess a problem, it is important to understand its causes. First of all, past experience may explain why people act aggressively towards their partner. Karakurt, Keiley and Posada (2013) in studying about intimate partner violence (IPV) wrote that “many violent individuals have witnessed inter-parental aggression as children or have been the recipient of parental aggression” (p. 562). From these childhood experiences, they learn how adults in their household react to a problem. “When children or youth observe violence between parents, they learn that violence is an acceptable or effective means for resolving conflicts with family members” (Ehrensaft et al. as cited in Karakurt, et al., 2013, p. 562). A research conducted on Australian newlywed couples further analyzed aggression performed by the newlyweds in relation to past experiences of father-to-mother and mother-to-father violence. It was found that those who were physically aggressive towards their partner had witnessed father-to-mother violence happened more frequently than mother-to-father violence in their childhood. The reason is “partner violence by men is more likely to cause injury and intimidation than partner violence by women” and “high-impact events are more likely to be recalled than low-impact events, which could result in greater recall of the higher impact father-perpetrated violence” (Halford, Kim, Farrugia, Lizzio and Wilson, 2010, p. 89).
Past experience may explain why people act aggressively towards their partner.
From the examples above, we can see that aggression is
learned. The notion of aggression as a learned response is supported by
social-learning theory. According to this theory, aggression “can be learned
through observation or imitation, and the more often it is reinforced, the more
likely it is to occur” (Atkinson and Hilgard, 2009, p. 422). However, there are
some weaknesses of social learning as a factor of aggression. Jasinski claimed
that “not everyone who has been abused or witnessed violence as a child becomes
violent later in life” (as cited in Karakurt, et al., 2013, p. 562). To be
clear, around 30% of those who live in a violent household during childhood
become violent when they grow up (Karakurt, et al., 2013, p. 562). It means the
majority of those who experience violence as a child do not grow to be violent
individuals after all. It is also found that in some cases, people who have
experienced or witnessed aggression continue to be victims in their
relationship, as opposed to be the ones victimizing their partners. They are
trapped in the cycle of abuse. Laura Berman (2013) from Northwestern University
in Chicago describes this cycle, also called repetition compulsion, as a
pattern in which “victims of trauma find themselves constantly reliving the
abuse” (p. 1). She mentions an example where a girl is physically abused by her
father. She has been in a romantic relationship several times, but she somehow
always chooses partners who do not treat her well. This process may happen in
the subconscious level. As Berman (2013) explains, this girl “wants to recreate
her trauma and ‘fix’ the situation. She tries to be ‘good enough’ for her partners…
to earn this partner’s love and hence rewrite history” (p. 1). Finding no
resolution, the girl enters a new relationship, only to repeat the same cycle.
The second explanation to someone’s aggressive behavior in a
romantic relationship is the lack of attachment security. Attachment security
can be described as “the extent to which each person feels that the partner
will be available and supportive in times of need” (Vangelisti and Perlman,
2006, p. 261). Based on several studies examining the correlation between
attachment and relationship violence, it is drawn that “compared to men who are
non-violent, men who are violent report significantly higher levels of
relationship anxiety, fear of being abandoned in relationships, and more
anxious attachments to their partners” (Karakurt, et al., 2013, p. 562). A low
sense of security in a relationship also affects the extent of violence exerted
towards someone’s partner. For instance, men who admitted committing more severe
violence also reported that they had insecure attachment (Karakurt, et al.,
2013, p. 563). A contrasting situation may happen if a couple has secure
attachment. Securely attached partners can maintain stability in their
relationship. During stressful situations, such as financial difficulty and
problem in the workplace, they are less likely to channel their frustrations in
forms of aggressive behavior. Vangelisti and Perlman (2006) wrote that
“attachment security can contribute to maintenance of long-lasting relationship
by assisting partners in coping effectively with life difficulties, personal
changes, and developmental transitions. The quality of a long-lasting
relationship can be jeopardized by a broad array of extrarelational stressors”
(p. 264). We cannot, however, assume that all who are insecure in their
relationship will at some point behave violently. As with the previous argument,
“most individuals who have insecure attachment patterns do not become violent
at all” (Karakurt, et al. 563).
A low sense of security in a relationship affects the extent of violence exerted towards someone’s partner.
There are many possibilities as to why people show
aggressive behavior in romantic relationship. They may be victims of violent
household who, through social learning, conclude that violence is an acceptable
mean to solve problems. Another possibility is that their aggressive behavior
is a result of insecure attachment. However, these do not always cause
aggression. Most people manage to maintain a stable relationship despite growing
up with violent parents or feeling insecure with their relationship. I would
also like to add that in most of the examples, the research was conducted to
investigate violence or physically aggressive behavior. Meanwhile, studies on
verbally abusive relationship are underrepresented in this paper. The causes of
physical aggression may likewise apply to verbal aggression. For example, people
lacking attachment security might use verbally aggressive strategies as a
weapon to hurt their partners. Indeed, further study is needed to present more
comprehensive analysis of aggressive behavior.
Atkinson & Hilgard. (2009). Introduction to psychology (15th ed.). Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA.
Berman, Laura. (2013). How childhood abuse can manifest in adult relationships. Everyday Health. Retrieved from http://www.everydayhealth.com/sexual-health/dr-laura-berman-childhood-abuse-and-adult-relationships.aspx
Brandt, Denise C., & Karen J. Pierce. (2000). When is verbal abuse serious? The impact of relationship variables on perceptions of severity. UW-La Crosse JUR, Vol. III, 71-78.
Bushman, B. J., & L. R. Huesmann. (2010). Aggression. In S. T. Fiske, D. T. Gilbert, & G. Lindzey (Eds.), Handbook of social psychology (pp. 833-863). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Understanding Teen Dating Violence [Fact Sheet]. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/teen-dating-violence-factsheet-a.pdf
Halford, W. Kim, C. Farrugia, A. Lizzio, & K. Wilson. (2010). Relationship aggression, violence and self-regulation in Australian newlywed coupled. Australian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 62(2), 82-92.
Karakurt, Günnur, M. Keiley, & G. Posada. (2013). Intimate relationship aggression in college couples: Family-of-origin violence, egalitarian attitude, attachment security. J Fam Viol (28), 561-575.
Vangelisti, Anita L. & Daniel Perlman. (2006). The Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wihbey, John. (2014, September 4). Domestic violence and abusive relationships: Research review. Journalist’s Resource. Retrieved from http://journalistsresource.org/studies/society/gender-society/domestic-violence-abusive-relationships-research-review
Atkinson & Hilgard. (2009). Introduction to psychology (15th ed.). Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA.
Berman, Laura. (2013). How childhood abuse can manifest in adult relationships. Everyday Health. Retrieved from http://www.everydayhealth.com/sexual-health/dr-laura-berman-childhood-abuse-and-adult-relationships.aspx
Brandt, Denise C., & Karen J. Pierce. (2000). When is verbal abuse serious? The impact of relationship variables on perceptions of severity. UW-La Crosse JUR, Vol. III, 71-78.
Bushman, B. J., & L. R. Huesmann. (2010). Aggression. In S. T. Fiske, D. T. Gilbert, & G. Lindzey (Eds.), Handbook of social psychology (pp. 833-863). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Understanding Teen Dating Violence [Fact Sheet]. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/teen-dating-violence-factsheet-a.pdf
Halford, W. Kim, C. Farrugia, A. Lizzio, & K. Wilson. (2010). Relationship aggression, violence and self-regulation in Australian newlywed coupled. Australian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 62(2), 82-92.
Karakurt, Günnur, M. Keiley, & G. Posada. (2013). Intimate relationship aggression in college couples: Family-of-origin violence, egalitarian attitude, attachment security. J Fam Viol (28), 561-575.
Vangelisti, Anita L. & Daniel Perlman. (2006). The Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wihbey, John. (2014, September 4). Domestic violence and abusive relationships: Research review. Journalist’s Resource. Retrieved from http://journalistsresource.org/studies/society/gender-society/domestic-violence-abusive-relationships-research-review
This article was originally written as an assignment for the Introduction to Psychology class that I took at Waseda University, Japan.
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